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Are Patients with T2DM at a Higher Risk of Experiencing Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Infections?

A systematic review and meta-analysis of 61 studies with 4,49,247 subjects was conducted to confirm whether patients with T2DM were more likely to experience antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections compared to T2DM-free individuals. The results indicated that:



Evidence Suggests That Patients With T2DM Are Indeed At A Higher Risk of Experiencing Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Infections

T2DM: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, OR: Odds Ratio.



Carrillo-Larco, R., Anza-Ramírez, C., Saal-Zapata, G., Villarreal-Zegarra, D., Zafra-Tanaka, J., Ugarte-Gil, C. and Bernabé-Ortiz, A., 2021.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and antibiotic-resistant infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community
Health, 76(1), pp.75-84.