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Is IBS Being Overly Diagnosed or Misdiagnosed in Patients with Functional Disorders as well as Organic Gastrointestinal Diagnoses Including GERD, EE or Inflammatory Bowel Diseases?

Irritable bowel syndrome represents the most common functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Many patients with IBS display complex gastrointestinal symptoms which may be mistaken for other GI conditions.

Findings from Database Analysis of 29,553 Patients with an Initial Diagnosis of IBS


There exists a high overlap between IBS and other GI diagnoses, potentially raising questions on the validity of IBS diagnosis, at least in select cases.


IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome, GI: Gastrointestinal symptoms, FD: Functional dyspepsia, PUD: Peptic ulcer disease, GERD: Gastroesophageal
reflux disease, EE: Erosive esophagitis.


Loosen SH, Kostev K, Jördens MS, Luedde T, Roderburg C. Overlap between irritable bowel syndrome and common gastrointestinal diagnoses:
a retrospective cohort study of 29,553 outpatients in Germany. BMC Gastroenterol. 2022 Feb 5;22(1):48.